Saturday, November 26, 2011

Top Tip: Prostate Massage Is The Best Preventative

(aka THE GREAT SECRET THAT THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY USUALLY WON'T TELL YOU:) The American Medical community has kept one of the most important factors in prostate health and cancer prevention secret from men: The prostate needs to be directly massaged on a regular basis to improve muscle tone and mobility, increase blood circulation and release toxins. And if you have the right tool and know-how you can easily "do it yourself" in the privacy and convenience of your home. They usually don't tell you about "do it yourself methods" because they make big money selling you prescription drugs and massage-services in doctor's offices. If you are interested in more info on this, check out this website:

Top Tip: Prepare As Early As Possible

Awesome report on preventing and treating BPH and prostate cancer. The key to winning the battle against this problem is early detection and treatment. I really liked the tips on natural treatments vs. letting the knife-happy doctors and greedy drug manufacturers take control of your situation. Check it out at and take action now so you increase the odds in your favor.

Top Tip: Get Your PSA Test Annually

Get your PSA test annually – for some men the symptoms of prostate cancer cancer are very slight or not noticeable at all. That's why UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center recommends that men over 50 take a PSA blood test annually. If you prefer to do it yourself there are "Do It Yourself" PSA kits you can order online and do it at home inexpensively ($30) and quickly. The last time I did it took me 4 minutes and they mailed me results in 10 days.

Top Tip: A Highly Active Sex Life Is Good

 Frequent ejaculation is good. The prostate is a sexual organ, it makes the lubrication substance for the reproductve system. Research in Australia in 2003 (and others) found that men who ejaculated between 4.6 and 7 times a week had a 36% lower risk of contracting the disease before the age of 70 than those who ejaculated fewer than 2.3 times a week. OK, so GET TO WORK! (hahaha)

Top Tip: Stay Active

Those who regularly jogged, swam or played sports were 67% less likely to get advanced prostate cancer and had a 74% lower risk of death from prostate cancer, than those who were less active. If you sit for long periods in your job (more than 6 hours/day) BEWARE that you are putting inordinate amounts of pressure on your prostate and get more exercise.

Top Tip: Eat More Of These Items

Eat more of the following: green tea and coffee, red peppers, lean meats instead of fatty meats, eat less eggs and poultry, tomatoes and more greens...

Top Tip: Beware Of Ingesting These Items

Top Tip: certain things we ingest are known to cause prostate problems. Red meat with hormones, antihistamines, decongestants, recreational drugs such as Ecstasy and drinking too much hard liquor are all known to cause prostate probelms. Give them up for a while and see if symptoms improve.

Top Tip: Catch Problems Early

Be super-aware of your body and catch problems early. BPH and prostate cancer are highly treatable IF you catch it early and do something about it. Be on the lookout for these symptoms: Like having to urinate more often? Or do you get up twice a night (or more) to urinate ? Or the morning after you drink liquor, eat beef with hormones or take antihistamines, you can't seem to empty your bladder all the way? These are symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

Top Tip: Change Your Lifestyle

There is an epidemic of prostatitis in the West. 
The National Cancer Institute projects that 218,845 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in 2011 and that 28,640 deaths will occur because of prostate cancer this year. Except for skin cancer, cancer of the prostate is the most common malignancy found in American men. All men are at risk. The most common risk factor is age. Half of all men experience noticeable signs of prostate breakdown (urinary frequency, problems draining bladder completely) by age 50. It only gets worse from there. By age 80, over 90% of all men have prostate problems. Maintaining proper nutritional balance in your diet and over all physical condition are discussed freely as preventative factors for prostate cancer. 
Scientists have not yet pinpointed the cause; however, it's a fact that there are parts of the world where prostate cancer is unknown. Rural China and Tibet is one area where it is rare. This suggests that our western lifestyle has a lot to do with it. Now, you don't have to move to Buddist monastery and become a monk... just eat more fresh whole foods and less processed food ...and stay active.